How can I perform Periodic Owner Authentication?
Periodic Authentication is used to check the use of Connected Service in terms of security.
Please perform the periodic owner authentication within 14 days from the day you receive the email.
<Periodic Owner Authentication Flow>
Please get into your vehicle to start this process.
Please make sure your vehicle is parked at a safe place with good network connection.
Please turn off the engine before performing the steps mentioned in the application.
Tap a vehicle shown on the top page.

Confirm the contents and tap "Start".
Tap the back button if you want to cancel.

Step 1: Start the engine within 180 seconds.
When the engine starting is recognized, a pop-up will appears to start step 2. Tap "Start".

Step 2: Stop the engine within 180 seconds.
When the engine turning off is recognized, a completion pop-up will appear. Tap "OK" and the authentication process will be completed.